or I can help you investigate social phenomena and answer your research questions
how I can help you
Topics that I am happy to conduct investigations into include policy change and policy stasis, particularly with regard to the adoption of well-being, post-growth and sustainable development agendas. ↪ In more detail, I can help you identify the drivers and inhibitors of policy change in contexts in which attempts have been made at incorporating well-being, post-growth and sustainable development concepts and metrics into the policymaking process, especially where such attempts have not been successful, only partially so, or where things seem to have moved forward but, in reality, it is business as usual. After delineating a picture of the forces at play, I can help you understand what needs to be done in order to help increase impact and bring about change.
Relatedly, I am also happy to help you study the use and impact of well-being, post-growth and sustainable development metrics or the evolution and current status of "beyond GDP" initiatives in your country. ↪ In more detail, using mixed research methods I can also help you gather evidence on the use of such metrics, especially in parliamentary debates or committees, the media (radio, TV and newspapers) and policymaking more generally. I can also help you get a better idea of what has already been done in a specific context, or the extent to which a specific metric or group of metrics has had any impact on policymaking in that locale.
If you are thinking about developing a well-being, post-growth or sustainable development framework, or if this is still in the embryonic stage, I can help you make sure it gets the attention it deserves. ↪ Whether you are trying to understand what best form your framework should take (a dashboard or a composite index?) or how to make sure it is embedded into the policymaking process, or whether you are simply looking for someone to help organise a consultation on what such framework should include, you are in the right place!
Beyond the theme of well-being, I am keen on taking on research on policy change in other contexts, too. ↪ Please get in touch with more details about the project that you have in mind.
Finally, I would also be delighted to take on research aiming to explore the media coverage of a variety of policy issues, or the way specific issues have been discussed in parliamentary debates. ↪ Please get in touch with more details about the project that you have in mind.